Socks ...

The latest SOTM kit has shown up from Yarn. The purple cascade sock yarn is delicious and the "pseudo" cable pattern looks like it will be fun to knit up! I started writing up the washcloth patterns and am finding it more time consuming to write up the patterns than it was to actually knit up the clothes. Hmm. Should I write down the patterns more when I'm knitting up testers?

The previous sock post with the Harris Tweed has been frogged. Actually I frogged it shortly after posting it and decided to do a basic 2/2 rib pattern. I finished the first sock in a day and LOVE it. Now just trying to decide if I should keep it or give it away??

Using an new climbing chalk bag (that was given to me for Christmas), I've also created an easy way to knit on the go. Should I patent the idea?


  1. Yep - that climbing bag is just perfect for a sock knitting accessory. Now, if you could do both knitting AND climbing, you'd be set. :)


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