When Crafting Goes Bad Part II

Well I did it again. No I didn't cut my finger with the rotary blade - but I might as well have. In an attempt to get my big spinning wheel working I was testing out some fiber - when all of a sudden the whole flyer and bobbin came off and slammed into my big toes. I'm pretty sure it is broken or really badly bruised. I've been icing it and it hurts to walk. Again the hubby wonders why hobbies are so violent!

Ps - I know I have ugly toes...get over it, they are feet!


  1. Omgosh that looks so painful! You poor thing, I can't believe that happened to you. The price we pay to be crafty - sometimes it makes me wonder if it's worth it! LOL

    Here's hoping for quick healing and/or finding out just how bad the damage really is. Have you seen a doctor yet?! Seems like that needs some kind of medical care (said by your favorite Nursing Assistant student)! lol <3

  2. Oh....... owieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

  3. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this. Hopefully it's just a bruise. Well wishes sweetie.

  4. Goodness! You have to stop hurting yourself :-( Hope you heal quickly so you can enjoy your birthday month!

  5. remind me again what your husband's hobby is??? oh yeah...I remember. I am sorry for your toes though.


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