Inspiration Has Arrived.

I've been in a bit of a funk. Trying to finish up projects. KAL's on the needles always make me feel like I HAVE to work on them. Patterns and books and projects just not calling to me - until now. Yesterday the Fall Interweave magazine arrived. There are a number of patterns that not only beckon but demand to be knit. I now need to spend some time this weekend getting everything in my stash sorted to work on them.

I washed the "ice cream" spun yarn. It is still damp (the weather here is just not cooperating). It is sportish weight - if not a tiny bit bigger in sections (now that I take a harder look). I'm totally interested to spin up the other 4 oz to see how my work varies. I've decided to make a hat for my self out of it and the only question is - what pattern? I've seen a couple that I like ... but I'm still digging for the perfect project.


  1. What a great color it turned out. It's actually less - what's the word I want - variegated?? than I thought it would be.


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