Well That Is It!

Yep. It has happened to me. I never thought it would - but it has. I'm starting with this book. Wait, let me back up and explain.

I've heard about "crazy" people who have pushed to knit every item in a book before. Silly. Mad. Crazy I know. I've always thought ... well there has to be one or two patterns you don't really want to knit up that bad.

This book has got me. EVERY FREAKING PATTERN. I'm going to start this weekend. I'm going to start a Ravelry group. I can't help myself. I need every item in this book and I'm not even sure anyone will get them as gifts. MINE MINE MINE. Oh I feel like a crazy person myself now. Anyone up for joining in the insanity?


  1. I can barely knit one item from a book in a reasonable amount of time, haha! I will cheer you on, though!

  2. I'm in!! Just on your enthusiasm. Going to buy book today!!

  3. I felt that way about Twist and Knit. I'm going to do every pattern in my handspun.

  4. Love it - just bought the book! I can't say for sure I'll knit *every* piece yet, but invite me to your Ravelry group!

  5. I'll go ahead and admit that I'm not down. LOL I do think there's a bit of insanity going on in this post, but who am I to judge? haha I think all of us knitters are a bit off our rockers; it comes with the hobby. ;)

    PS - I've tagged you in a blog award: http://notanotherprincess.com/?p=5737 =]

  6. I love new books! I haven't seen it in my hands yet, but the projects/patterns on Ravelry look great.

  7. I really want this book! If I break down and buy it, I will join you on this quest! (Although I might take some time off to design my own things.)

  8. how exciting! i'll have to look for this book.
    i'm such a slow knitter..it would take me forever to get through an entire book!


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