2010 in Review.

2010 was a strange crafting year for me. With the house fire it seems like all of my projects were interrupted or messed with a bit. Here are the totals though.

The numbers:
14853 yards of knitting 2010
2 lb 4 oz spinning
2 quilts (1 king, 1 queen)
1 quilted table runner

The break down:
2 vests
1 shrug
2 sweaters
1 afghan
9 pairs of socks (6 of my own design)
5 scarfs
4 hats
3 washcloths
lavender sashes
3.5 (mittens - one set was messed up in the fire and had to be tossed)
3 crochet rock covers
1 woven scarf

When you see all of the numbers it doesn't really seem to be that much, but it sure did keep me busy!


  1. Um. Actually? When I see the numbers? I think that's plenty much. :)

  2. Interruptions or not you finished a lot by anyones standards!

  3. I agree with the other comments. That actually seems like quite a lot! :)


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