F.O. A Light On A Hill Spinning

Remember this roving? Well Anne had another 4oz which I bought off of her.

Here is what the next 4oz came out like. Do you remember what the first 4 oz looked like?

Well first off this is Corriedale Roving from Funky Carolina. Both are finished at sport weight. The first one was 336 yards and this one came out 294 yards (so the "sportness" of them is slightly different). You can also see that the new skein has more yellow in it than the first. When I split the second 4oz I tried to get longer strands of colors (so that it looked a bit brighter than the first). With a total of 630 yards of sport weight now the question is do I finish my devilish plan and design a vest - or do I do something easy and pick a pattern off of Ravelry. Thoughts??


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