F.O. Tilted Duster

Yep. FINALLY FINISHED. Blocked and with buttons.
Project Details: 8 skeins of Berroco Peruvia (which the pattern called for) on size 9 needles. If you remember gauge was hard for me to get on this project. I got the fabulous buttons at Village Wools in ABQ (for anyone that is local). I started on August 19 and finished on September 19th. Not bad for a sweater I thought was going to take me forever.
Things I changed in the pattern: I lengthened the sleeves (I have long arms). My row gauge wasn't the same as the pattern so I stopped 10 rows short of what the pattern called for because my measurement was what I wanted. I picked up more stitches around the neck because I wanted something less tight (I hate stuff squeezing my neck). I think it doesn't look too bad and it stays away from my neck the way I wanted it to.
Overall a fun knit with interesting construction. I'd highly recommend it!
It really looks fantastic on. Totally worth the trouble and angst. :) Buttons are great too!!
ReplyDeleteI love it! It fits you really well.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the WIP -- and just in time for the first official day of Fall! =)
It looks so pretty on you! Good job!!